fauces terrae

fauces terrae
Headlands inclosing a bay.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • fauces terrae — /fosiyz tehriy/ (Jaws of the land.) Narrow headlands and promontories, inclosing a portion or arm of the sea within them …   Black's law dictionary

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  • arm of the sea — A portion of the sea projecting inland, in which the tide ebbs and flows. It is considered as extending as far into the interior of a country as the water of fresh rivers is propelled backwards by the ingress of the tide. See fauces terrae …   Black's law dictionary

  • arm of the sea — A portion of the sea projecting inland, in which the tide ebbs and flows. It is considered as extending as far into the interior of a country as the water of fresh rivers is propelled backwards by the ingress of the tide. See fauces terrae …   Black's law dictionary

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