- famosus libellus
- A libelous book or publication; a libel.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
famosus libellus — /famowsas bbebs/ A libelous writing. A term of the civil law denoting that species of injuria which corresponds nearly to libel or slander … Black's law dictionary
famosus libellus — /famowsas bbebs/ A libelous writing. A term of the civil law denoting that species of injuria which corresponds nearly to libel or slander … Black's law dictionary
libellus famosus — index libel Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
FAMOSUS — apud Iul. Capitolin in Pio, Sed Repentinus famoso percussus est, quod per concubinam Principis ad praefecturam venisset: absolute pro famoso libello, in Repentinum composito. Sic Graecis Latinâ voce Φάμωσα. Incertus Auctor apud Suid. in voce… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Libellus — (lat.), 1) kleine, wenig Blätter enthaltende Schrift, z.B. L. delatorĭus, Denunciationsschrift; 2) Verzeichniß von Sachen, so L. auctionarius, schriftlicher Anschlag einer Auction an einem öffentlichen Orte; 3) Klageschrift; daher Libelliren, mit … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
libellus — /bbebs/ In the civil law, a little Feudal law. An instrument of alienation or conveyance, as of a fief, or a part of it @ libellus supplex A petition, especially to the emperor, all petitions to whom must be in writing. @ libellum rescribere to… … Black's law dictionary
libellus — /bbebs/ In the civil law, a little Feudal law. An instrument of alienation or conveyance, as of a fief, or a part of it @ libellus supplex A petition, especially to the emperor, all petitions to whom must be in writing. @ libellum rescribere to… … Black's law dictionary
libellus famosus — (Civil law.) A defamatory publication … Ballentine's law dictionary
Famōs — (lat. famosus, franz. fameux, famös), vielbesprochen, berühmt, vortrefflich, aber auch berüchtigt, verrufen; famosus libellus, Schand oder Schmähschrift; famosa actio, ehrenrührige Klage; famosum judicium, entehrendes Urteil; famosum carmen,… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Famös — Famös, famos, lat. famosus, frz. fameux, vielbesprochen; berüchtigt; famosum carmen, Schmähgedicht; famosum judicium, entehrendes Urtheil; famosus libellus, Schmähschrift … Herders Conversations-Lexikon