false answer

false answer
A criminal offense in wilfully giving a false answer to a question propounded by a taker of the federal census. 14 Am J2d Census § 9. Perjury by a witness. 41 Am J1st Perj § 2.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • false answer — In pleading, a sham answer; one which is false in the sense of being a mere pretense set up in bad faith and without color of fact. Such answer may be ordered stricken on motion. Fed.R. Civil P. 12(f) …   Black's law dictionary

  • false answer — In pleading, a sham answer; one which is false in the sense of being a mere pretense set up in bad faith and without color of fact. Such answer may be ordered stricken on motion. Fed.R. Civil P. 12(f) …   Black's law dictionary

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  • False arrest — is a common law tort, where a plaintiff alleges he or she was held in custody without probable cause or without an order issued by a court of competent jurisdiction. Although it is possible to sue law enforcement officials for false arrest, the… …   Wikipedia

  • answer — As a verb, the word denotes an assumption of liability, as to answer for the debt or default of another. Discovery. A person who fails to answer, or answers evasively or incompletely, deposition or interrogatory questions, may be compelled to do… …   Black's law dictionary

  • answer — As a verb, the word denotes an assumption of liability, as to answer for the debt or default of another. Discovery. A person who fails to answer, or answers evasively or incompletely, deposition or interrogatory questions, may be compelled to do… …   Black's law dictionary

  • answer — an•swer [[t]ˈæn sər, ˈɑn [/t]] n. 1) a spoken or written reply or response to a question, request, letter, etc 2) a correct response to a question 3) an equivalent or approximation; counterpart: the French answer to the Beatles[/ex] 4) an action… …   From formal English to slang

  • False position method — The false position method or regula falsi method is a term for problem solving methods in algebra and calculus. In simple terms, these methods begin by attempting to evaluate a problem using test ( false ) values for the variables, and then… …   Wikipedia

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