- Extremis probatis, praesumuntur media
- When the extremes have been proved, those things which are between them are presumed.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
extremis probatis, praesumuntur media — /akstriymas prabeytas, priyzyamantar miydiya/ Extremes being proved, intermediate things are presumed … Black's law dictionary
extremis probatis, praesumuntur media — /akstriymas prabeytas, priyzyamantar miydiya/ Extremes being proved, intermediate things are presumed … Black's law dictionary
intermediate — in·ter·me·di·ate /ˌin tər mē dē ət/ adj 1: being or occurring at the middle place, stage, or degree or between extremes an intermediate order 2: of, relating to, or being a level of judicial scrutiny to ensure equal protection of the laws that is … Law dictionary
presumption — pre·sump·tion /pri zəmp shən/ n: an inference as to the existence of a fact not certainly known that the law requires to be drawn from the known or proven existence of some other fact conclusive presumption: a presumption that the law does not… … Law dictionary
extreme — I (exaggerated) adjective aggrandized, amplified, beyond the limit, drastic, enlarged, exceeding, exceeding the bounds of moderation, excessive, exorbitant, fanatical, flagrant, going to the utmost lengths, going too far, gross, hyperbolic,… … Law dictionary