et habuit

et habuit
And he had it.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • Domi habuit, unde discere. — См. Что дома есть, за тем к соседу не ходить …   Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)

  • bigamus seu trigamus, etc., est qui diversis temporibus et successive duas seu tres uxores habuit — /bigamas syuw trigamas est kway davarsas temporabas et saksesayviy d(y)uwas syuw trez akscriyz haeb(y)uwat/ A bigamus or trigamus, etc., is one who at different times and successively has married two or three wives …   Black's law dictionary

  • et habuit — /et haebyuwat/ And he had it, a common phrase in the Year Books, expressive of the allowance of an application or demand by a party …   Black's law dictionary

  • levari facias quando vicecomes returnavit quod non habuit emp tores — /laveray feys(hXi)yas kwondow vaysiykowmiyz ratarneyvat kwod non hibyuwat em(p)toriyz/ An old writ commanding the sheriff to sell the goods of a debtor which he had already taken, and had returned that he could not sell them; and as much more of… …   Black's law dictionary

  • nemo plus commodi haeredi suo relinquit quam ipse habuit — /niymow plas komaday hariyday s(y)uwow raliijkwat kwaem ipsiy haebyuwat/ No one leaves a greater benefit to his heir than he had himself …   Black's law dictionary

  • nil habuit in tenementis — /nil hsebyuwat an tenamentas/ He had nothing [no interest] in the tenements. A plea in debt on a lease indented, by which the defendant sets up that the person claiming to be landlord had no title or interest …   Black's law dictionary

  • non potest videri desisse habere qui nunquam habuit — /non powtast vadiray dasayziy habiriy kway naijkwaem haebyuwat/ He cannot be considered as having ceased to have a thing who never had it …   Black's law dictionary

  • bigamus seu trigamus, etc., est qui diversis temporibus et successive duas seu tres uxores habuit — /bigamas syuw trigamas est kway davarsas temporabas et saksesayviy d(y)uwas syuw trez akscriyz haeb(y)uwat/ A bigamus or trigamus, etc., is one who at different times and successively has married two or three wives …   Black's law dictionary

  • et habuit — /et haebyuwat/ And he had it, a common phrase in the Year Books, expressive of the allowance of an application or demand by a party …   Black's law dictionary

  • levari facias quando vicecomes returnavit quod non habuit emp tores — /laveray feys(hXi)yas kwondow vaysiykowmiyz ratarneyvat kwod non hibyuwat em(p)toriyz/ An old writ commanding the sheriff to sell the goods of a debtor which he had already taken, and had returned that he could not sell them; and as much more of… …   Black's law dictionary

  • nemo plus commodi haeredi suo relinquit quam ipse habuit — /niymow plas komaday hariyday s(y)uwow raliijkwat kwaem ipsiy haebyuwat/ No one leaves a greater benefit to his heir than he had himself …   Black's law dictionary

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