equity — Justice administered according to fairness as contrasted with the strictly formulated rules of common law. It is based on a system of rules and principles which originated in England as an alternative to the harsh rules of common law and which… … Black's law dictionary
equity — Justice administered according to fairness as contrasted with the strictly formulated rules of common law. It is based on a system of rules and principles which originated in England as an alternative to the harsh rules of common law and which… … Black's law dictionary
equity — eq·ui·ty / e kwə tē/ n pl ties [Latin aequitat aequitas fairness, justice, from aequus equal, fair] 1 a: justice according to fairness esp. as distinguished from mechanical application of rules prompted by considerations of equity comity between… … Law dictionary
Maxims of equity — The maxims of equity evolved, in Latin and eventually translated into English, as the principles applied by courts of equity in deciding cases before them.[1] Among the traditional maxims are: Contents 1 Equity regards done what ought to be done… … Wikipedia
aequitas agit in personam — /iykwataes eyjat in parsownam/ Equity acts upon the person … Black's law dictionary
aequitas agit in personam — /iykwataes eyjat in parsownam/ Equity acts upon the person … Black's law dictionary
Канцлерский суд: — 1) в Англии High Court of Chancery, иначе суд справедливости (court of equity). При первых норманнских королях из королевского совета (curia regis), игравшего сперва роль апелляционной инстанции для всех обыкновенных судов, выделяются в лице… … Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона
Канцлерский суд — 1) в Англии High Court of Chancery, иначе суд справедливости (court of equity). При первых норманнских королях из королевского совета (curia regis), игравшего сперва роль апелляционной инстанции для всех обыкновенных судов, выделяются в лице… … Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона
right — As a noun, and taken in an abstract sense, means justice, ethical correctness, or consonance with the rules of law or the principles of morals. In this signification it answers to one meaning of the Latin jus, and serves to indicate law in the… … Black's law dictionary
action — Conduct; behavior; something done; the condition of acting; an act or series of acts. Term in its usual legal sense means a lawsuit brought in a court; a formal complaint within the jurisdiction of a court of law. Pathman Const. Co. v. Knox… … Black's law dictionary