
A car, platform, or cage, known in England as a "lift," used for the vertical conveyance of persons or property between the floors of a building. More broadly defined as the car, platform, or cage and the power machinery propelling such device, the cables or connections by means of which the power is supplied, and the shaft in which the carriage moves. 26 Am J2d Elev § 1. Cases construing the term as it appears in the double indemnity clause of an accident insurance policy are divided in opinion, some holding that the term is confined to the car, platform, or cage, while others hold that it includes, not only the car, platform, or cage, but the shaft as well. 29A Am J Rev ed Ins § 1235. A lifter or conveyer, in the form of an endless belt or chain bearing cups or scoops for picking up threshed grain, or other material which handles easily, and carrying it above to another floor or a higher point for processing, is called an "elevator." Also called an "elevator" is a structure used for the storage of grain, usually referred to as a "grain elevator." See escalator; freight elevator; grain elevator; passenger elevator.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • Elevator [1] — Elevator, gebräuchlicher Ausdruck 1. für eine besondere Art von Aufzügen in Hotels, Waren , Geschäftshäusern u.s.w. (s. Aufzüge); 2. speziell für Hunt Pohligsche Löschvorrichtungen; 3. für Becher , Paternoster und Schöpfwerke; 4. pneumatischer… …   Lexikon der gesamten Technik

  • Elevator [2] — Elevator (Bd. 3, S. 429); s.a. Aufzug, Bagger, Druckluftförderer und Silospeicher. Für den senkrechten Nahtransport von Schüttgut, d.h. zum Heben von mehlförmigen, körnigen und auch grobstückigen Stoffen (bis Faustgröße) auf verhältnismäßig… …   Lexikon der gesamten Technik

  • Elevator — El e*va tor, n. [L., one who raises up, a deliverer: cf. F. [ e]l[ e]vateur.] 1. One who, or that which, raises or lifts up anything. [1913 Webster] 2. A mechanical contrivance, usually an endless belt or chain with a series of scoops or buckets …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Elevator — (lat.), Vorrichtung nach Art der Paternosterwerke (s. d.) zum Heben von lockerm, körnigem Material. Um zwei Räder a1 u. a2 (Fig. 1, S. 704) ist eine endlose Kette b, b geschlungen, die Becher c trägt. Das untere Rad a2 geht in einem Troge d, dem… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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  • elevator — 1640s, originally of muscles, from L. elevator, agent noun from pp. stem of elevare (see ELEVATE (Cf. elevate)). As a name for a mechanical lift (originally for grain) attested from 1787. Elevator music is attested by 1963. Elevator as a lift for …   Etymology dictionary

  • elevator — UK US /ˈelɪveɪtər/ noun [C] ► US (UK lift) WORKPLACE a small room in a tall building which carries people or goods up and down to different levels of the building: » I took the elevator to her office on the fourteenth floor. ► a moving strip… …   Financial and business terms

  • élévator — ● élévator nom masculin (anglais elevator) Réservoir à grain, formé d une série de silos dans lesquels le grain est constamment tenu en mouvement et aéré par des appareils transporteurs et élévateurs …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • elevator — elèvātor (elevȃtor) m DEFINICIJA 1. tehn. a. okomiti ili kosi transporter za rasuti komadni materijal b. pokretne stepenice (u javnim zgradama, robnim kućama i sl.); eskalator 2. med. instrument koji služi za podizanje očnog kapka 3. visinsko… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

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