dumb person
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deaf-and-dumb person — noun a deaf person who is unable to speak • Syn: ↑mute, ↑deaf mute • Derivationally related forms: ↑deaf mute (for: ↑deaf mute), ↑mute (for: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
dumb — [OE] The notion underlying dumb is of ‘sensory or mental impairment’. It goes back to a nasalized version of prehistoric Indo European *dheubh , denoting ‘confusion, stupefaction, or dizziness’, which was also the ultimate source of English deaf … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
dumb — [OE] The notion underlying dumb is of ‘sensory or mental impairment’. It goes back to a nasalized version of prehistoric Indo European *dheubh , denoting ‘confusion, stupefaction, or dizziness’, which was also the ultimate source of English deaf … Word origins
Dumb Witness — Dust jacket illustrat … Wikipedia
dumb — dəm adj 1) lacking the human power of speech <dumb animals> 2) of a person often offensive lacking the ability to speak dumb·ly dəm lē adv dumb·ness n … Medical dictionary
dumb-bell — ► NOUN 1) a short bar with a weight at each end, used for exercise or muscle building. 2) informal a stupid person. ORIGIN originally denoting an object similar to that used to ring a church bell (but without the bell, so ‘dumb’) … English terms dictionary
dumb-bell — dumbˈ bell noun 1. A double headed weight swung in the hands to develop the muscles 2. Any object or figure of the same shape 3. A stupid person (US) • • • Main Entry: ↑dumb … Useful english dictionary
dumb|bell — «DUHM BEHL», noun. 1. a short bar of wood or iron with large, heavy balls or disks at the ends. Dumbbells are generally used in pairs and are lifted or swung around to exercise the muscles of the arms, back, etc. 2. Slang. a very stupid person;… … Useful english dictionary
dumb — adj. 1 a (of a person) unable to speak, usu. because of a congenital defect or deafness. b (of an animal) naturally unable to speak (our dumb friends). 2 silenced by surprise, shyness, etc. (struck dumb by this revelation). 3 taciturn or reticent … Useful english dictionary
dumb-ass — /dum as /, n. Slang (vulgar). a thoroughly stupid person; blockhead. Also, dumbass. [1970 75; Amer.] * * * dumbˈ ass noun (US sl) A stupid person (also adjective) • • • Main Entry: ↑dumb * * * dumb ass UK US … Useful english dictionary