documentary exchange
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documentary credits — Payment collection through documentary credits involves using various documents including bills of exchange and letters of credit. They involve banks as intermediaries in collection and payment and provide a formal framework for payments and, in… … Law dictionary
Exchange rate — Foreign exchange Exchange rates Currency band Exchange rate Exchange rate regime Exchange rate flexibility Dollarization Fixed exchange rate Floating exchange rate Linked exchange rate Managed float regime Markets Foreign exchange market Futures… … Wikipedia
Documentary collection — A documentary collection is a process, in which the seller instructs his bank to forward documents related to the export of goods to the buyer s bank with a request to present these documents to the buyer for payment, indicating when and on what… … Wikipedia
exchange for physicals — A transaction generally used by two hedgers who want to exchange futures for cash positions. Also referred to as against actuals or versus cash. Chicago Board of Trade glossary An ex pit transaction in which traders may initiate or liquidate… … Financial and business terms
exchange for physical — The exchange between two customers of a physical and futures position, which is agreed directly between the two parties outside of the exchange on which the futures are dealt. EFPs are reported to the exchange, and documentary evidence of a… … Financial and business terms
documentary collection — A service provided by banks to sellers in obtaining payments. This service is usually transacted by the seller s bank through the buyer s bank, with the latter presenting the shipping documents to the buyer in exchange for payment or for signing… … Financial and business terms
exchange of future for physical(s) — The exchange between two customers of a physical and futures position, which is agreed directly between the two parties outside of the exchange on which the futures are dealt. EFPs are reported to the exchange, and documentary evidence of a… … Financial and business terms
documentary bill — noun or documentary draft also document bill : a bill of exchange drawn on a consignee of goods and having appended to it the shipment documents by way of collateral security for its payment … Useful english dictionary
documentary bill — A bill of exchange attached to the shipping documents of a consignment of goods. These documents include the bill of lading, insurance policy, dock warrant, invoice, etc … Big dictionary of business and management
documentary bill — /ˌdɒkjumɛntri ˈbɪl/ (say .dokyoohmentree bil) noun a bill of exchange to which are attached various documents, as a policy of insurance, invoice, etc …