divisible divorce

divisible divorce
The phrase used in reference to a decree of divorce which is valid insofar as it grants a divorce, but may be invalid insofar as it purports to adjudicate separable personal rights, because of want of personal service of process within the state. Estin v Estin, 334 US 541, 92 L Ed 1561, 68 S Ct 1213, 1 ALR2d 1412. The "divisible divorce" doctrine is a recognition of the fact that dissolution of the marital status by a divorce may or may not extinguish all the obligations of a husband originally created as incidents thereof, including the duty to support the former wife. Pawley v Pawley (Fla) 46 So 2d 464, 28 ALR2d 1358. Under the "divisible divorce" concept, a divorce decree may be completely effective to dissolve a marriage and yet be completely ineffective to alter certain legal and economic incidents of that marriage. Lynn v Lynn, 302 NY 193, 97 NE2d 748, 28 ALR2d 1335.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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