administration expenses

administration expenses
Items such as court costs, premium for surety bond, payments made for the preservation of the property of the estate while administration is pending, insurance premiums, attorney's fees incurred in litigation necessary in the preservation of the estate, burial expenses, allowances to widow and children, etc., for which the executor or administration may claim credit in the settlement of his accounts. 31 Am J2d Ex & Ad § 527. The expenses incurred in reducing the assets of the decedent's estate to possession, in holding them or disposing of them in accordance with the laws on succession and distribution and the decrees of the probate court. Hazard v Bliss, 43 RI 431, 113 A 469, 23 ALR 826. Rent paid by a receiver or trustee in bankruptcy for premises occupied by them during the administration of the estate in bankruptcy. In Re C. J. Rowe & Bros. (DC Pa) 18 F2d 658. Wages paid by a receiver to laborers hired by him pursuant to an order of court. Anno: 27 ALR2d 709.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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