de vi laica amovenda

de vi laica amovenda
For removing the force of the laity,–a writ which lay to prevent laymen from giving aid by force to a clergyman in his strife with another one for possession of a church.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • de vi laica amovenda — /diy vay leyska eymavenda/ Writ of (or for) removing lay force. A writ which lay where two parsons contended for a church, and one of them entered into it with a great number of laymen, and held out the other vi et armis; then he that was holden… …   Black's law dictionary

  • de vi laica amovenda — /diy vay leyska eymavenda/ Writ of (or for) removing lay force. A writ which lay where two parsons contended for a church, and one of them entered into it with a great number of laymen, and held out the other vi et armis; then he that was holden… …   Black's law dictionary

  • vi laica amovenda — Removing the force of the laity. The purpose of a writ to prevent a layman from entering into a contest or strife between churchmen …   Ballentine's law dictionary

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