attendance by physician

attendance by physician
Care and treatment by physician for a complaint, whether at the physician's office or in his own home. White v Providence Sav. Life Assur. Soc. 163 Mass 108, 108 NE 771. Some authorities impose the qualification that the complaint for which treatment is given be of a serious nature or of more concern than a slight illness or temporary indisposition. Brown v Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. 65 Mich 306; 29 Am J Rev ed Ins § 758. A physician attends a patient to treat, prescribe for, or act for him, to prevent, palliate or cure an ailment. If the person examined is not a patient there is no physician-patient relationship and therefore no physician-patient privilege. San Francisco v Superior Court, 37 Cal2d 227, 231 P2d 26, 25 ALR2d 1418. See medical attendance.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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