1in the first place — {adv. phr.} 1. Before now; in the beginning; first. * /You already ate breakfast! Why didn t you tell me that in the first place instead of saying you didn t want to eat?/ * /Carl patched his old football but it soon leaked again. He should have… …
2in the first place — {adv. phr.} 1. Before now; in the beginning; first. * /You already ate breakfast! Why didn t you tell me that in the first place instead of saying you didn t want to eat?/ * /Carl patched his old football but it soon leaked again. He should have… …
3The First $20 Million Is Always the Hardest — Infobox Film | name = The First $20 Million Is Always the Hardest caption = The First $20 Million Is Always the Hardest promotional poster director = Mick Jackson producer = Trevor Albert writer = Po Bronson (book) Jon Favreau Gary Tieche… …
4The wrong war, at the wrong place, at the wrong time, and with the wrong enemy — is General Omar Bradley s famous rebuke in May 15, 1951 Congressional testimony as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the idea of extending the Korean War into China, as proposed by General Douglas MacArthur, the commander of the U.N.… …
5in the second place — See: IN THE PLACE …
6in the second place — See: IN THE PLACE …
7Convicts on the First Fleet — The First Fleet is the name given to the first group of eleven ships that carried convicts from England to Australia in 1788 beginning in 1787 the trip took 8 months.No definitive list of people who traveled on those ships exists; however… …
8The Wizard of Oz (1939 film) — The Wizard of Oz Theatrical release poster Directed by Victor Fleming Uncredited: Norman Taurog Richard Thorpe …
9The Amazing Race 2 — Season run March 11, 2002 – May 15, 2002 Filming dates January 7, 2002 – February 3, 2002 No. of episodes 11 Winning team Chris Luca Alex Boylan Continents visited …
10Place — (pl[=a]s), n. [F., fr. L. platea a street, an area, a courtyard, from Gr. platei^a a street, properly fem. of platy s, flat, broad; akin to Skr. p[.r]thu, Lith. platus. Cf. {Flawn}, {Piazza}, {Plate}, {Plaza}.] 1. Any portion of space regarded as …