take no notice of
1take (no) notice (of) — pay (no) attention (to). → notice …
2take no notice — ► take (no) notice (of) pay (no) attention (to). Main Entry: ↑notice …
3take no notice of — ► take (no) notice (of) pay (no) attention (to). Main Entry: ↑notice …
4take no notice — index dismiss (put out of consideration), ignore, neglect, overlook (disregard) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …
5take no notice of — index disregard Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …
6take no notice of — he took no notice of anything I said Syn: ignore, pay no attention to, disregard, pay no heed to, take no account of, brush aside, shrug off, turn a blind eye to, pass over, let go, overlook; look the other way (from) …
7take no notice (of) — IGNORE, pay no attention (to), disregard, pay no heed (to), take no account (of), brush aside, shrug off, turn a blind eye (to), pass over, let go, overlook, look the other way …
8take no notice of — verb to ignore He took no notice of the spider until it bit him …
9take no notice — pay no attention to someone or something …
10notice — ► NOUN 1) attention; observation. 2) advance notification or warning. 3) a formal declaration of one s intention to end an agreement, typically one concerning employment or tenancy. 4) a displayed sheet or placard giving news or information. 5) a …