send forward

  • 51send off — Synonyms and related words: A, Godspeed, adieu, air express, airfreight, airmail, aloha, alpha, beat back, begin, beginning, blast away, blast off, blast off, bow out, brush off, bundle, bundle off, chase, chase away, chase off, commence,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 52Forward Confirmed reverse DNS — FCrDNS, or Forward Confirmed Reverse DNS, is when an IP address has both forward (name > IP) and reverse (IP > name) DNS entries that match each other. The process is outlined in RFC 1912, especially section 2.1. First a reverse DNS lookup is… …


  • 53send — v. a. 1. Throw, hurl, cast, fling, impel, propel, emit, project, toss, launch, lance, jaculate. 2. Despatch, delegate, depute, send forth, send out. 3. Transmit, forward. 4. Give, bestow, grant, confer. 5. Commission, authorize. 6. Inflict,… …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 54forward — adverb (also forwards) 1》 in the direction that one is facing or travelling.     ↘in or near the front of a ship or aircraft. 2》 onward so as to make progress. 3》 in the normal order or sequence. 4》 ahead in time. adjective 1》 towards the… …

    English new terms dictionary

  • 55forward — When pertaining to E mail, it means to send E mail that you received to someone else …

    Dictionary of telecommunications

  • 56forward — for·ward || fÉ”rwÉ™(r)d / fɔːw n. player positioned at the front of the offensive line (Sports) v. send, convey; promote; advance; resend an email message that has been received (Computers) adj. toward the front; advanced; ahead; eager, ready; …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 57send — verb 1) they sent a message to HQ Syn: dispatch, post, mail, address, consign, direct, forward; transmit, convey, communicate; telephone, phone, broadcast, radio, fax, e mail; dated telegraph, wire …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 58send around — verb forward to others he is sending around an appeal for funds • Hypernyms: ↑circulate, ↑pass around, ↑pass on, ↑distribute • Hyponyms: ↑circularize, ↑circularise …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 59To send for — Send Send, v. i. 1. To dispatch an agent or messenger to convey a message, or to do an errand. [1913 Webster] See ye how this son of a murderer hath sent to take away my head? 2 Kings vi. 32. [1913 Webster] 2. (Naut.) To pitch; as, the ship sends …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 60To set forward — Set Set (s[e^]t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Set}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Setting}.] [OE. setten, AS. setton; akin to OS. settian, OFries. setta, D. zetten, OHG. sezzen, G. setzen, Icel. setja, Sw. s[ a]tta, Dan. s?tte, Goth. satjan; causative from the root… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English