send forward

  • 41send — Synonyms and related words: address, address to, advance, air express, airfreight, airmail, allocate, ask for, assign, be poised, beam, becharm, bewitch, billow, break, broadcast, bundle, bundle off, burlesque, call for, captivate, carry away,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 42forward — adv 1. toward, towards, to; onward, onwards, forth, ahead, along, outward, outwards. 2. hence, thence, whence; on, out, onward, therefrom, thereof. 3. toward the front, in front, toward the bow, fore; frontwards, in the van, in the forefront. 4.… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 43forward — adj., n., adv., & v. adj. 1 lying in one s line of motion. 2 a onward or towards the front. b Naut. belonging to the fore part of a ship. 3 precocious; bold in manner; presumptuous. 4 Commerce relating to future produce, delivery, etc. (forward… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 44send away — Synonyms and related words: air express, airfreight, airmail, ban, banish, beat back, blackball, bow out, brush off, bundle, bundle off, cast out, chase, chase away, chase off, consign, cut, deport, disfellowship, dismiss, dispatch, drive away,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 45forward — for•ward [[t]ˈfɔr wərd[/t]] adv. Also,forwards 1) toward or to what is in front or in advance: from this day forward; to step forward[/ex] 2) into view or consideration; forth: brought forward a good suggestion[/ex] 3) directed toward a point in… …

    From formal English to slang

  • 46Forward looking infrared — FLIR redirects here. For the company, see FLIR Systems. Navigation infrared pod (NAVFLIR) by Thales Forward looking infrared (FLIR) cameras, typically used on military aircraft, use an imaging technology that senses infrared radiation.[1] The… …


  • 47send — v 1. transmit, convey, deliver, direct; broadcast, televise, telecast, telegraph, radio, telegram; forward, pass along, mail, post, ship, remit; consign, intend for, address to. 2. delegate, depute, charge, assign, commission. 3. propel, cast,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 48send — verb 1) they sent a message to HQ Syn: dispatch, post, mail, consign, forward, transmit, convey, communicate, broadcast 2) the pump sent out a jet of petrol Syn: propel, project …

    Synonyms and antonyms dictionary

  • 49forward — 1. adjective [ˈfɔɹ.wɝd/,ˈfɔː.wɜd/ a) Towards the front or at the front. The fire was confined to the forward portion of the store. b) Without customary restraint I thought his suggestion that we move in together was rather forward. Syn: anterior …


  • 50send forth — Synonyms and related words: air express, airfreight, airmail, blow out, bring out, bundle, bundle off, cast forth, consign, debouch, decant, discharge, disembogue, disgorge, dispatch, drop a letter, ejaculate, embark, emit, eruct, erupt, exhaust …

    Moby Thesaurus