right of suffrage

  • 1right of suffrage — See suffrage …

    Ballentine's law dictionary

  • 2exercise the right of suffrage — index vote Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …

    Law dictionary

  • 3Right of foreigners to vote in the United States — The right of foreigners to vote has been a contentious issue in the United States for years. A foreigner, in this context, is a person who is not citizen of the United States. Over 40 states or territories, including colonies before the… …


  • 4suffrage — /safraj/ A vote; the act of voting; the right or privilege of casting a vote at public elections. The last is the meaning of the term in such phrases as the extension of the suffrage, universal suffrage, etc. Right of suffrage is right of a man… …

    Black's law dictionary

  • 5Suffrage féminin — Droit de vote des femmes Droit de vote Généralités Démocratie · Dépouillement · Droits civiques · Élection · Système électoral · Vote Typologies Suffrages : capacitaire · censitaire · universel Votes&#160 …

    Wikipédia en Français

  • 6suffrage —   Koho pāloka.     Right of suffrage, pono koho pāloka …

    English-Hawaiian dictionary

  • 7Suffrage — (from the Latin suffragium , meaning voting tablet , and figuratively right to vote ; probably from suffrago hough , and originally a term for the pastern bone used to cast votes) is the civil right to vote, or the exercise of that right. In that …


  • 8Right of foreigners to vote — Suffrage, the right to vote in a particular country, generally derives from citizenship. In most countries, the right to vote is reserved to those who possess the citizenship of the country in question. Some countries, however, have extended… …


  • 9suffrage — suf·frage / sə frij/ n [Latin suffragium vote, political support, from suffragari to support with one s vote] 1: a vote in deciding a controverted question or the choice of a person for an office or trust no State...shall be deprived of its equal …

    Law dictionary

  • 10suffrage — n Suffrage, franchise, vote, ballot mean the right, privilege, or power of expressing one s choice or wish (as in an election or in the determination of policy). Suffrage is the usual term when the emphasis is upon the extent to which this… …

    New Dictionary of Synonyms