of long duration
1Long Duration Exposure Facility — Template:Infobox Spacecraft Name = Long Duration Exposure Facility Caption = LDEF, shortly before deployment, flies on Challenger s RMS arm over the Florida peninsula. Organization = NASA Major Contractors = ? Mission Type = Satellite Of = Earth… …
2Long Duration Exposure Facility — LDEF im Orbit Die Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) war ein Satellit, der als Träger für technische und naturwissenschaftliche Experimente im Weltraum diente. Er kam nur ein einziges Mal zum Einsatz. LDEF bestand aus einer zylindrischen… …
3Long Duration Exposure Facility — Le LDEF après son déploiement Le Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) était un satellite artificiel de la NASA qui avait pour objectif d exposer au vide spatial pendant une longue durée plusieurs expériences, pour être ensuite récupéré et… …
4Long Duration Exposure Facility — LDEF Puesta en órbita de LDEF Organización NASA Estado Recuperado Satélite de …
5long duration load — ilgalaikė apkrova statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. continuous load; long duration load; sustained load vok. Dauerbelastung, f rus. длительная нагрузка, f pranc. charge continue, f; charge permanente, f …
6long-duration reaction — ilgalaikė reakcija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. long duration reaction vok. Zeitreaktion, f rus. долговременная реакция, f pranc. réaction de longue durée, f …
7of long duration — index chronic, durable Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …
8Of Long Duration Anguish — Studio album by Aggressor Released 1994 Recorded 1993 …
9Long duration test — Испытание на длительную прочность …
10long — long1 [lôŋ] adj. [ME < OE, akin to Ger lang < Gmc * lango > ON langr, Goth laggs: ? akin to L longus] 1. measuring much from end to end in space or from beginning to end in time; not short or brief 2. measured from end to end rather than …