in a short time
1short-time (working) — short time ( working) ˌshort time (ˈworking) noun [uncountable] HUMAN RESOURCES when workers work less than the usual number of hours or days, because of a lack of orders or materials: • Bosses admit that short time working at the car plant… …
2short time — UK US noun [U] (UK HR ► a situation in which workers work fewer hours or days than usual because there is not much work to do: on short time »Hundreds of people in the company are now on short time. »A few weeks ago several Japanese car factories …
3short time — short time, adj. a period or schedule during which the number of working hours is reduced: The recession has put most of the manufacturing plants on short time. * * * …
4Short Time Constant — ist in einem Radargerät eine Baugruppe zur Unterdrückung von Störsignalen, insbesondere Störungen von Wettererscheinungen. Diese Funktion wird in manchen amerikanischen Publikationen auch Fast Time Constant (FTC) genannt. Die Baugruppe vergleicht …
5Short time duty — The short time duty (or short time operation) indicates an operating mode of increased performance but for a shorter length of time. Commonly it is also referred to the maximum load (the performance) at which and the related maximum length of… …
6Short-time Fourier transform — The short time Fourier transform (STFT), or alternatively short term Fourier transform, is a Fourier related transform used to determine the sinusoidal frequency and phase content of local sections of a signal as it changes over time. STFT… …
7short-time — ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ adjective Etymology: from the phrase short time : of, relating to, or limited to a short period of time * * * shortˈ time adjective • • • Main Entry: ↑short * * * …
8short time — a single act of copulation Prostitutes jargon for a contact with few preliminaries and no sequel. Also as short session(s): The price for a short time with massage stayed the same. (Theroux, 1973) She s short sessions. Never lets a… …
9Short-Time-Fourier-Transformation — Die Short Time Fourier Transformation behebt ein Problem der Fouriertransformation, die keine Aussage über das zeitliche Auftreten einzelner Frequenzen oder Frequenzbereiche macht. Bei der Short Time Fourier Transformation (STFT) wird nur ein… …
10short time — noun be on short time BrE a factory or office that is on short time is operating for less than the usual number of hours or days: Workers were put on short time because raw materials were scarce …