determining rule

  • 21Divisibility rule — A divisibility rule is a shorthand way of discovering whether a given number is divisible by a fixed divisor without performing the division, usually by examining its digits. Although there are divisibility tests for numbers in any radix, and… …


  • 22Descartes' rule of signs — In mathematics, Descartes rule of signs, first described by René Descartes in his work La Géométrie, is a technique for determining the number of positive or negative real roots of a polynomial. The rule gives us an upper bound number of positive …


  • 23Pie rule — The pie rule, sometimes referred to as the swap rule, is a meta rule commonly used in abstract strategy board games like Hex and Havannah. It can be stated as follows:*After the first move is made, the second player has the option of either:… …


  • 24Three-date rule — The Three Date Rule is a dating rule of thumb which states that the third date is a milestone in determining whether a woman will consent to physical relations. This is not to be confused with the Three Day Rule cited in the movie… …


  • 25advocacy rule —    The rule which prevents Members of Parliament (MPs) and peers from raising a subject in Parliament in which they have a material interest. It was formulated following the publication of a report in 1995 from Lord Nolan’s Committee on Standards …

    Glossary of UK Government and Politics

  • 26Nonzero-rule — A curve (top) is filled according to two rules: the even odd rule (left), and the non zero winding rule (right). In each case an arrow shows a ray from a point P heading out of the curve. In the even odd case, the ray is intersected by two lines …


  • 27fertile octogenarian rule — fer·tile oc·to·ge·nar·i·an rule / ˌäk tə jə ner ē ən / n: a presumption at common law that a woman of any age is capable of having children for purposes of determining the applicability of the rule against perpetuities Merriam Webster’s… …

    Law dictionary

  • 28Broad Evidence Rule — A rule outlining the guidelines insurers must go about determining the value of lost, stolen or damaged property. The broad evidence rule does not specify any one method to value any one piece of property, only that the means which most… …

    Investment dictionary

  • 29Hooper's Rule — is the observation, by Dr. Max Hooper, that a British hedgerow can be dated quite accurately by counting the number of species therein. His original formula, published in the book Hedges in 1974, is such that the age is equal to the number of… …


  • 30Chvorinov's rule — is a mathematical relationship first expressed by Nicolas Chvorinov in 1940[1], that relates the solidification time for a simple casting to the volume and surface area of the casting. In simple terms the rule establishes that under otherwise… …
