buy back
1buy-back — buyˈ back noun 1. The optional or obligatory buying back by the seller of all or part of what was sold (commerce) 2. The purchasing by a company of its own shares (finance) • • • Main Entry: ↑buy * * * buy back UK US noun [countable] [ …
2buy-back — buy backs N COUNT A buy back is a situation in which a company buys shares back from its investors. [BUSINESS] ...a share buy back scheme... The company announced an extensive stock buy back program …
3Buy-back — auch: Buy|back 〈[baıbæ̣k] m. 6 oder n. 15; Wirtsch.〉 Rückkauf einer Beteiligung (bes. in Form von Aktien) durch den Veräußerer [engl., „Rückkauf“] …
4buy-back — s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} 1. TS fin. riacquisto delle proprie azioni da parte di una società per sostenere la quotazione ed evitare un eventuale crollo in borsa 2. TS econ. tipo di countertrade nel quale l importatore paga l esportatore… …
5Buy-back — auch: Buy|back 〈[baıbæ̣k] m. od. n. od. s, s; Wirtsch.〉 Rückkauf einer Beteiligung (bes. in Form von Aktien) durch den Veräußerer [Etym.: engl., »Rückkauf«] …
6buy-back — /ingl. ˈbaɪˌbæk/ [lett. «comperare (buy) di nuovo (back)»] loc. sost. m. inv. (banca) riacquisto …
7buy back — index redeem (repurchase) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …
8buy back — ● buy back nom masculin (motsanglais) Clause d un contrat de vente d usines clefs en main à l étranger, par laquelle le vendeur s engage à acheter une partie de la production de l usine …
9buy-back — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms buy back : singular buy back plural buy backs business an arrangement in which someone agrees to buy back shares or goods that they previously sold to someone a share buy back …
10buy back — v. (D; tr.) to buy back from * * * (D; tr.) to buy back from …