according to the number of persons

  • 41The Seven Liberal Arts —     The Seven Liberal Arts     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Seven Liberal Arts     The expression artes liberales, chiefly used during the Middle Ages, does not mean arts as we understand the word at this present day, but those branches of… …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 42The garden of the Rotonda Padua — The garden of the Rotonda is a terraced garden, situated close to the historical centre of Padua, behind the sixteenth century wall and the Rampart of the Cat.The Story of the Giardini della Rotunda The name is connected to an episode which… …


  • 43The Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus —     The Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus     An institution of religious women, taking perpetual vows and devoted to the work of education, founded 21 November, 1800, by… …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 44The Times of India — The June 26, 2010 front page of the Mumbai edition of …


  • 45The Tale of Igor's Campaign — (Old East Slavic: Слово о плъку Игоревѣ, Slovo o plŭku Igorevě ; uk. Слово о полку Ігоревім, Slovo o polku Ihorevim ; Modern Russian: Слово о полку Игореве, Slovo o polku Igoreve ) is an anonymous epic poem written in the Old East Slavic language …


  • 46The Good Shepherd (film) — The Good Shepherd Theatrical release poster Directed by Robert De Niro Produced by …


  • 47The Bohemians of the United States —     The Bohemians of the United States     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Bohemians of the United States     A traveler who has seen the natural beauties of Bohemia, its vast resources, and the thrift of its people, will, no doubt, be surprised at …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 48The Hunting of the Snark — (An Agony in 8 Fits) is a nonsense poem written by Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) in 1874, when he was 42 years old. [ [ lewis/the hunting of the snark/ Poem as presented by]… …


  • 49The Spanish Armada —     The Spanish Armada     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Spanish Armada     The Spanish Armada, also called the Invincible Armada (infra), and more correctly La Armada Grande, was a fleet (I) intended to invade England and to put an end to the… …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 50The Anglo-Saxon Church —     The Anglo Saxon Church     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Anglo Saxon Church     I. ANGLO SAXON OCCUPATION OF BRITAIN     The word Anglo Saxon is used as a collective name for those Teutonic settlers the foundation stock of the English race… …

    Catholic encyclopedia