Temporary deprivation

  • 1temporary deprivation — index layoff Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …

    Law dictionary

  • 2deprivation of property — Due process guaranty which is abridged when government takes private property without just compensation except under extraordinary circumstances of the police power, though for deprivation of property there is not required an actual, physical… …

    Black's law dictionary

  • 3deprivation of property — Due process guaranty which is abridged when government takes private property without just compensation except under extraordinary circumstances of the police power, though for deprivation of property there is not required an actual, physical… …

    Black's law dictionary

  • 4Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions) Act (Singapore) — Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions) Act A police officer equipped with a firearm and handcuffs An Act to make temporary provisions for the maintenance of public order, the control of supplies by sea to Singapore, and the prevention of strikes and …


  • 5layoff — I noun banishment, cashiering, cessation, desistance, discarding, discharge, discontinuance, discontinuation, disemployment, dismissal, displacement, ejection, ejectment, elimination, expulsion, firing, halt, idling, interruption, letting go,… …

    Law dictionary

  • 6William Henry Harrison: Inaugural Address — ▪ Primary Source       Thursday, March 4, 1841       Called from a retirement which I had supposed was to continue for the residue of my life to fill the chief executive office of this great and free nation, I appear before you, fellow citizens,… …


  • 7sus|pen|sion — «suh SPEHN shuhn», noun. 1. a) the act of suspending: »the suspension of a boy from school for bad conduct, suspension of judgment or opinion, the suspension of a driver s license for speeding. SYNONYM(S): interruption, intermission, stop,… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 8theft — n [Old English thiefth]: larceny; broadly: a criminal taking of the property or services of another without consent ◇ Theft commonly encompasses by statute a variety of forms of stealing formerly treated as distinct crimes. grand theft: theft of… …

    Law dictionary

  • 9suspension — n. 1. Hanging, pendency. 2. Interruption, intermission, suspense, stay. 3. Delay, postponement. 4. Temporary deprivation (as of an office) …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 10suspension of liquor license — A temporary deprivation of rights or privileges under a license to sell or deal in alcoholic beverages. 30 Am J Rev ed Intox L§174 …

    Ballentine's law dictionary