Supply with forage
1Forage — For age, v. t. To strip of provisions; to supply with forage; as, to forage steeds. Pope. [1913 Webster] …
2forage — forager, n. /fawr ij, for /, n., v., foraged, foraging. n. 1. food for horses or cattle; fodder; provender. 2. the seeking or obtaining of such food. 3. the act of searching for provisions of any kind. 4. a raid. v.i. 5. to wander or go in search …
3forage — /ˈfɒrɪdʒ / (say forij) noun 1. food for horses and cattle; fodder; provender. 2. the seeking or obtaining such food. 3. the act of searching for provisions of any kind. 4. a raid. –verb (foraged, foraging) –verb (i) 5. to wander in search of… …
4forage — I. n. 1. Food (for horses and cattle), fodder, provender. 2. Foraging, foraging expedition. II. v. n. 1. Wander in search of forage, take forage. 2. Ravage, feed on forage, subsist by foraging. III. v. a …
5forage — for•age [[t]ˈfɔr ɪdʒ, ˈfɒr [/t]] n. v. aged, ag•ing 1) agr. food for horses or cattle; fodder; provender 2) the seeking or obtaining of such food 3) the act of searching for provisions of any kind 4) to wander or go in search of provisions 5) to… …
6forage — n. & v. n. 1 food for horses and cattle. 2 the act or an instance of searching for food. v. 1 intr. go searching; rummage (esp. for food). 2 tr. collect food from; ravage. 3 tr. a get by foraging. b supply with food. Phrases and idioms: forage… …
7forage — for·age || fÉ‘rɪdÊ’ , fÉ” / fÉ’ n. fodder, food for animals; act of searching for food or provisions; raid v. search, look for; rummage for food; raid; supply with fodder …
8Forage (honey bee) — For bees, their forage or food supply consists of nectar and pollen from blooming plants within flight range. The forage sources for honey bees are an important consideration for beekeepers. In order to determine where to locate hives for maximum …
9Forage War — Infobox Military Conflict |conflict=Forage War |caption= |partof=the American Revolutionary War |date=1777 |place=New Jersey |result=Militarily indecisive, British troops forced to increase security on foraging parties, strategic and tactical… …
10feed — feedable, adj. /feed/, v., fed, feeding, n. v.t. 1. to give food to; supply with nourishment: to feed a child. 2. to yield or serve as food for: This land has fed 10 generations. 3. to provide as food. 4. to furnish for consumption. 5. to… …