Right-hand side

  • 21Left-Hand Side — The bid side in a two way price quote. A two way price quote denotes both the bid price and the ask price of a security. The left hand side or bid indicates the price at which the dealer or market maker is willing to buy a security or currency,… …

    Investment dictionary

  • 22right hand — Synonyms and related words: Epistle side, alter ego, clockwise, confidant, conservative, decanal side, dexter, dextral, dextrocardial, dextrocerebral, dextrocular, dextrogyrate, dextrogyratory, dextropedal, dextrorotary, dextrorse, fidus Achates …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 23right hand — noun 1》 the hand of a person s right side.     ↘the region or direction on the right side. 2》 the most important position next to someone.     ↘(also right arm) an indispensable assistant. adjective on or towards the right side. ↘done with or… …

    English new terms dictionary

  • 24right-hand — /ˌraɪt hænd/ adjective belonging to the right side ● The credit side is the right hand column in the accounts. ● He keeps the address list in the right hand drawer of his desk …

    Dictionary of banking and finance

  • 25right-hand drive — ADJ: usu ADJ n A right hand drive vehicle has its steering wheel on the right side. It is designed to be driven in countries such as Britain, Japan, and Australia where people drive on the left side of the road. Ant: left hand drive …

    English dictionary

  • 26right hand — noun the hand that is on the right side of the body (Freq. 3) he writes with his right hand but pitches with his left hit him with quick rights to the body • Syn: ↑right • Hypernyms: ↑hand, ↑manus, ↑ …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 27right-hand — adj. Right hand is used with these nouns: ↑bend, ↑corner, ↑drive, ↑lane, ↑man, ↑margin, ↑page, ↑side, ↑turn …

    Collocations dictionary

  • 28Switch to right hand traffic in Czechoslovakia — The switch to right hand traffic in Czechoslovakia describes changes in the rules of the road in 1938/1939.Traditionally, traffic had driven on the left, but around 1925, Czechoslovakia accepted the Paris convention and promised to enforce right… …


  • 29right hand — hand located on the right side of the body; assistance, help …

    English contemporary dictionary

  • 30[syndrome]; Richner-Hanhart syndrome; right hand side; right heelstrike — Royal Hospital for Sick Children …

    Medical dictionary