Proof of guilt

  • 11burden of proof — bur·den of proof: the responsibility of producing sufficient evidence in support of a fact or issue and favorably persuading the trier of fact (as a judge or jury) regarding that fact or issue the burden of proof is sometimes upon the defendant… …

    Law dictionary

  • 12Negative proof — This article is about a logical fallacy. The term negative proof can also refer to a proof of impossibility. Negative proof, the fallacy of appealing to lack of proof of the negative, is a logical fallacy of the following form:: X is true because …


  • 13evidence, proof, testimony — These words are occasionally used as synonyms, but they do have distinct meanings. Evidence is information given in an investigation to support a contention: At the trial, the witness presented evidence to convict the accused. Proof is that kind… …

    Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • 14EVIDENCE — Non Evidentiary Proceedings in Biblical Law The revelation of divine law is found not only in legislation but also in adjudication in particular cases (cf. Lev. 24:12–13; Num. 15:32–34; 27:1–8; Deut. 1:17), whether through Moses or judges or… …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • 15CHRISTIANITY — CHRISTIANITY, a general term denoting the historic community deriving from the original followers of Jesus of Nazareth; the institutions, social and cultural patterns, and the beliefs and doctrines evolved by this community; and – in the   widest …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • 16reasonable doubt — n: a doubt esp. about the guilt of a criminal defendant that arises or remains upon fair and thorough consideration of the evidence or lack thereof all persons are presumed to be innocent and no person may be convicted of an offense unless each… …

    Law dictionary

  • 17Ordeals — • A means of obtaining evidence by trials, through which the guilt or innocence of an accused person was supposedly established Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Ordeals     Ordeals …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 18ordeal — /awr deel , dee euhl, awr deel/, n. 1. any extremely severe or trying test, experience, or trial. 2. a primitive form of trial to determine guilt or innocence by subjecting the accused person to fire, poison, or other serious danger, the result… …


  • 19Miranda warning — The Miranda warning (also referred to as Miranda rights) is a warning that is required to be given by police in the United States to criminal suspects in police custody (or in a custodial interrogation) before they are interrogated to inform them …


  • 20conviction — con·vic·tion n 1: the act or process of convicting; also: the final judgment entered after a finding of guilt a prior conviction of murder would not overturn the conviction compare acquittal ◇ Jurisdictions differ as to what constitutes… …

    Law dictionary