Make war

  • 71War on Cancer — War on Cancer, auf deutsch Krieg gegen den Krebs, war im Jahr 1971 eine Initiative von US Präsident Richard Nixon mit dem Ziel, innerhalb der nächsten 25 Jahren eine Heilmöglichkeit für die Krankheit Krebs zu finden. Geschichte Ausschnitt aus dem …

    Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 72Make a Wish/Attack of the Octobot — Spider Man (1994 TV series) episode Octopus with the mind controlled Spider Man …


  • 73War of the Peasants —     War of the Peasants (1524 25)     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► War of the Peasants (1524 25)     A revolt of the peasants of southern and central Germany, the causes of which are disputed as a result of religious and political prejudice. At… …

    Catholic encyclopedia

  • 74War Music — is both British poet Christopher Logue s ongoing project to create a modernist poem based on Homer s Iliad, and the name of one volume of that project.The project began in 1959. The first volume published was the Patrocleia . GBH and Pax make up… …


  • 75War Veteran — is a science fiction short story by Philip K. Dick. First published in If magazine in March 1955.The plot concerns an old man who appears to have travelled back in time from a future in which Earth has lost a devastating war to its own Martian… …


  • 76war paint — n [U] 1.) paint that some tribes put on their bodies and faces before going to war 2.) ↑make up used humorously ▪ Josie s just putting on her war paint …

    Dictionary of contemporary English

  • 77war|ble — war|ble1 «WR buhl», verb, bled, bling, noun. –v.i. 1. to sing with trills, quavers, or melodious turns: »Birds warbled in the trees. 2. to make a sound like that of a bird warbling: »The brook warbled over its rocky bed. SYNONYM(S): purl, ripple …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 78make (your) way (somewhere) — to move in a particular direction. In the midst of war in Europe, he somehow made his way back to the United States and joined the army …

    New idioms dictionary

  • 79War Crimes (film) — War Crimes is a 2005 film starring John Jenner and Earl Palmer. It was written and directed by Thomas Bros.Main cast* John Jenner Lt. Brcko * Earl Palmer ScottA low budget ($10,000) British feature film made in the UK in 2005. The film is set in… …


  • 80war of nerves — n [singular] an attempt to make an enemy worried, and to destroy their courage by threatening them, spreading false information etc …

    Dictionary of contemporary English