Exemption from injury

  • 121Law of Hong Kong — The law of Hong Kong is based on the rule of law and the independence of the Judiciary. The constitutional framework for the legal system is provided by the Hong Kong Basic Law Under the principle of ‘one country, two systems’, the Hong Kong… …


  • 122Sexual Sterilization Act of Alberta — In 1928, the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, Canada, enacted the Sexual Sterilization Act. The Act, drafted to protect the gene pool, allowed for sterilization of mentally disabled persons in order to prevent the transmission of undesirable… …


  • 123indemnity — in·dem·ni·ty /in dem nə tē/ n pl ties 1 a: security against hurt, loss, or damage b: exemption from incurred penalties or liabilities 2 a: indemnification (1) b: something (as a payme …

    Law dictionary

  • 124Protection and indemnity insurance — Protection and indemnity insurance, commonly known as P I, is a form of marine insurance provided by a P I Club. A P I Club is a mutual (i.e. co operative) insurance association that provides cover for its members, who will typically be ship… …


  • 125List of Statutory Instruments of Scotland, 1999 — This is an incomplete list of Scottish Statutory Instruments in 1999.1 100* Environmental Impact Assessment (Scotland) Regulations 1999 S.S.I. 1999/1 * Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning) (No. 2) Order 1999… …


  • 126French special retirement plan — In France employees of some government owned corporations enjoy a special retirement plan, collectively known as régimes spéciaux de retraite . These professions include employees of the SNCF (national railways), the RATP (Parisian transport),… …


  • 127Act of indemnity — Indemnity In*dem ni*ty, n.; pl. {Indemnities}. [L. indemnitas, fr. indemnis uninjured: cf. F. indemnit[ e]. See {Indemnify}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Security; insurance; exemption from loss or damage, past or to come; immunity from penalty, or the… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 128Indemnities — Indemnity In*dem ni*ty, n.; pl. {Indemnities}. [L. indemnitas, fr. indemnis uninjured: cf. F. indemnit[ e]. See {Indemnify}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Security; insurance; exemption from loss or damage, past or to come; immunity from penalty, or the… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English