Banished person
1non-person — a person without civil rights A Communist appellation of those, not being supporters or advocates of Communism, whose fame or achievements embarrassed the current oligarchy: Kropsky was banished twenty years ago. He became a non person …
2exile — exilable, adj. exiler, n. /eg zuyl, ek suyl/, n., v., exiled, exiling. n. 1. expulsion from one s native land by authoritative decree. 2. the fact or state of such expulsion: to live in exile. 3. a person banished from his or her native land. 4.… …
3exile — ex•ile [[t]ˈɛg zaɪl, ˈɛk saɪl[/t]] n. v. iled, il•ing 1) expulsion from one s native land or home by authoritative decree 2) the fact or state of such expulsion: to live in exile[/ex] 3) prolonged separation from one s country or home, as by… …
4exile — {{11}}exile (n.) c.1300, forced removal from one s country; early 14c. as a banished person; from O.Fr. exil, essil (12c.), from L. exilium (see EXILE (Cf. exile) (v.)). {{12}}exile (v.) c.1300, from O.Fr. essillier exile, banish, expel, drive… …
5exile — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. i. expel, remove, banish, expatriate. See displacement, ejection, exclusion, seclusion. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [Banishment] Syn. expulsion, deportation, expatriation, ostracism, displacement,… …
6wretch — noun an unfortunate person. ↘informal a contemptible person. Origin OE wrecca (also in the sense banished person ), of W. Gmc origin …
7wretch — (n.) O.E. wrecca wretch, stranger, exile, from P.Gmc. *wrakjan (Cf. O.S. wrekkio, O.H.G. reckeo a banished person, exile, Ger. recke renowned warrior, hero ), related to O.E. wreccan to drive out, punish (see WREAK (Cf. wreak)). Sense of vile,… …
8exile — noun 1》 the state of being barred from one s native country. 2》 a person who lives in exile. verb expel and bar (someone) from their native country. Origin ME: the noun is from OFr. exil banishment , exile banished person ; the verb is from OFr.… …
9exile — I. n. 1. Banishment, ostracism, proscription, expulsion (from one s country), expatriation. 2. Banished person. 3. Separation (voluntary or by circumstances) from country, sunderment from home and kindred, isolation from fatherland and friends. 4 …
10exile — [13] Latin exul meant ‘banished person’. This was formed from the prefix ex ‘out’ and a prehistoric Indo European base *ul ‘go’ (represented also in Latin ambulāre ‘walk’, source of English amble and ambulance). From it was created the noun… …