oner - oxfi
- onerando pro rata portione
- onerando pro rata portionis
- onerari non
- oneratio
- oneris ferendi
- onerous
- onerous cause
- onerous contract
- onerous deed
- onerous gift
- onerous title
- only
- onomastic
- onroerende and vast staat
- onstand
- onus
- open
- open account
- open and continuous account
- open and current account
- open and gross lewdness
- open and mutual account
- open and notorious
- open and notorious adultery
- open and notorious insolvency
- open and notorious possession
- open and visible easement
- open bulk
- open competitive examination
- open contract
- open corporation
- open court
- open current account
- open danger
- open doors
- open fee
- open hearing
- open insolvency
- open lands
- open law