writ de ejectione firmae — /rit diy ajekshiyowniy farmiy/ See ejectione firmae … Black's law dictionary
ejectione firmae — /ajekshiyowniy farmiy/ Ejection, or ejectment of farm. The name of a writ or action of trespass, which lay at common law where lands or tenements were let for a term of years, and afterwards the lessor, reversioner, remainder man, or any stranger … Black's law dictionary
ejectione firmae — /ajekshiyowniy farmiy/ Ejection, or ejectment of farm. The name of a writ or action of trespass, which lay at common law where lands or tenements were let for a term of years, and afterwards the lessor, reversioner, remainder man, or any stranger … Black's law dictionary
ejectione firmae — A writ or action of trespass in ejectment which lay when lands or tenements had been let for a term of years, and afterwards the lessor, reversioner, remainderman, or a stranger, ejected or ousted the lessee of his term. See 3 Bl Comm 199 … Ballentine's law dictionary
de ejectione firmae — /diy ajekshiyowniy farmiy/ A writ which lay at the suit of the tenant for years against the lessor, reversioner, remainderman, or stranger who had himself deprived the tenant of the occupation of the land during his term. 3 Bl.Comm. 199. By a… … Black's law dictionary
de ejectione firmae — /diy ajekshiyowniy farmiy/ A writ which lay at the suit of the tenant for years against the lessor, reversioner, remainderman, or stranger who had himself deprived the tenant of the occupation of the land during his term. 3 Bl.Comm. 199. By a… … Black's law dictionary
Joe Sixpack — John Doe ist ein englischer Platzhaltername für fiktive oder nicht identifizierte Personen. John war lange Zeit der häufigste englische Männername. Doe bezeichnet eine Hirschkuh. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Bedeutung 2 Alternativen 3 Verwendungen 4… … Deutsch Wikipedia
John Doe — John Doe, weibliche Form: Jane Doe, ist ein englischer Platzhaltername für fiktive oder nicht identifizierte Personen. John war lange Zeit der häufigste englische Männername. Doe bezeichnet eine Hirschkuh. Der Begriff ist vor allem in den USA… … Deutsch Wikipedia
ejectment — At common law, this was the name of a mixed action (springing from the earlier personal action of ejectione firmae) which lay for the recovery of the possession of land, and for damages for the unlawful detention of its possession. The action was … Black's law dictionary
ejectment — At common law, this was the name of a mixed action (springing from the earlier personal action of ejectione firmae) which lay for the recovery of the possession of land, and for damages for the unlawful detention of its possession. The action was … Black's law dictionary