Cum in corpore dissentitur, apparet nullam esse acceptionem

Cum in corpore dissentitur, apparet nullam esse acceptionem
When there is a disagreement as to the substance of the thing, it appears that there is no acceptance. The maxim is one of the civil law, but holds good in the modern law of sales. Gardner v lane, 94 Mass (12 Allen) 39, 44. Cum in testamento ambigue ant etiam perperam scriptum, est benigne interpretari, et secundum id quod credibile est cogitatum credendum est. When an ambiguous, or even an incorrectly written, clause is found in a will, it should be interpreted liberally and according to what is believed to be the intention (of the testator). Broom's Legal Maxims 568.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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