- Cui licet quod majus non debet quod minus est non licere
- One who has a greater power ought not to be denied a less one. See Broom's Legal Maxims 176.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
cui licet quod majus, non debet quod minus est non licere — /kyiiway laysat kwod meyjas, non debat kwod maynas est non lasiriy/ He who is allowed to do the greater ought not to be prohibited from doing the less. He who has authority to do the more important act ought not to be debarred from doing what is… … Black's law dictionary
cui licet quod majus, non debet quod minus est non licere — /kyiiway laysat kwod meyjas, non debat kwod maynas est non lasiriy/ He who is allowed to do the greater ought not to be prohibited from doing the less. He who has authority to do the more important act ought not to be debarred from doing what is… … Black's law dictionary
authority — au·thor·i·ty n pl ties 1: an official decision of a court used esp. as a precedent 2 a: a power to act esp. over others that derives from status, position, or office the authority of the president; also: jurisdiction b: the power to act … Law dictionary