
An organ of the government, consisting of one person, or of several persons, called upon and authorized to administer justice; a place where justice is judicially administered. 20 Am J2d Cts § 1; judge and jury combined. Welch v Welch (Tex Civ App) 369 SW2d 434. The three elements essential to the conception of a court are: (1) a time when judicial functions may be exercised, (2) a place for the exercise of judicial functions, and (3) a person or persons exercising judicial functions. Hamblin v Superior Court, 195 Cal 364, 233 P 337, 43 ALR 1509. In many cases, the words "court" and "judge" are used interchangeably. 30A Am J Rev ed Judges § 4. See jurisdiction; see also words and phrases beginning with court which follow.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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