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COTERELLUS — idem cum Cotario, habitator Cotae, quae vox apud medii aevi scriptores casam viliorem notat, ex Graeco κοίτη, turgurium, latibulum. Unde Coterelli videntur dicti homines viliores, Gall. Cotereaux, vel Costereaux, qui sub Anglo militantes Gallis… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
coterellus — /kotarelas/ In feudal law, a cottager; a servile tenant, who held in mere villeinage; his person, issue, and goods were disposable at the lord s pleasure. A coterellus, therefore, occupied a less favorable position than a cotarius (q.v.), for the … Black's law dictionary
coterellus — /kotarelas/ In feudal law, a cottager; a servile tenant, who held in mere villeinage; his person, issue, and goods were disposable at the lord s pleasure. A coterellus, therefore, occupied a less favorable position than a cotarius (q.v.), for the … Black's law dictionary
cotereau — (ko te rô) s. m. Nom donné aux mercenaires du XIIIe siècle, dits aussi routiers, qui, à diverses reprises, ont désolé la France par leurs brigandages. HISTORIQUE XIVe s. • En celle année furent occis en la contrée de Bourges en Bery sept… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Cotherill — This interesting name is a diminutive of Cotter , a medieval status surname introduced by the Normans. It derives from the Middle English cotter which was a technical term of status in the feudal system for a serf or bond tenant who held his… … Surnames reference
Cotterel — This interesting name is a diminutive of Cotter , a medieval status surname introduced by the Normans. It derives from the Middle English cotter which was a technical term of status in the feudal system for a serf or bond tenant who held his… … Surnames reference
Cotterell — This interesting name is a diminutive of Cotter , a medieval status surname introduced by the Normans. It derives from the Middle English cotter which was a technical term of status in the feudal system for a serf or bond tenant who held his… … Surnames reference
Cottrill — This interesting name is a diminutive of Cotter , a medieval status surname introduced by the Normans. It derives from the Middle English cotter which was a technical term of status in the feudal system for a serf or bond tenant who held his… … Surnames reference
Cotterill — This interesting name is English. It is a diminutive of Cotter , a medieval status surname introduced by the Normans. It derives from the Middle English cotter which was a technical term of status in the feudal system for a serf or bond tenant… … Surnames reference
Cotterrill — This interesting name is a diminutive of Cotter , a medieval status surname introduced by the Normans. It derives from the Middle English cotter which was a technical term of status in the feudal system for a serf or bond tenant who held his… … Surnames reference