chattel fixture

chattel fixture
A chattel affixed to land with no express or implied intention on the part of the annexor that the chattel is to become a part of the land.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • fixture — fix·ture n: an item of movable property so incorporated into a real property that it may be regarded as legally a part of it Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. fixture …   Law dictionary

  • chattel — chat·tel / chat əl/ n [Old French chatel goods, property, from Medieval Latin capitale, from neuter of capitalis chief, principal see capital]: an item of tangible or intangible personal property; esp: chattel personal in this entry ◇ In some… …   Law dictionary

  • Fixture (property law) — In the law of real property, fixtures are anything that would otherwise be a chattel that have, by reason of incorporation or affixation, become permanently attached to the real property. At law, fixtures are treated in the same manner as real… …   Wikipedia

  • Fixture — A fixture can refer to: * a testing fixture when talking about ATEs * a light fixture * a plumbing fixture * Fixture (tool), a tool used in manufacturing * Fixture (property law), in property law, a chattel which has become permanently attached… …   Wikipedia

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  • fixture — fix•ture [[t]ˈfɪks tʃər[/t]] n. 1) something securely and usu. permanently attached or appended, as to a building: a light fixture[/ex] 2) a person or thing long established in the same place or position 3) law a chattel that has been attached to …   From formal English to slang

  • fixture — /ˈfɪkstʃə / (say fikschuh) noun 1. something securely fixed in position; a permanently attached part or appendage of a house, etc.: an electric light fixture. 2. a person or thing long established in the same place or position. 3. Machinery a… …  

  • fixture — An article, once a chattel, but which, by being physically annexed or constructively affixed to the realty, has become accessory to it and part and parcel of it. 35 Am J2d Fixt § 1. Something so annexed to the freehold for use in connection… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • trade fixture — An article annexed by a lessee to the real estate to aid him in carrying on his trade or business on the premises. Ray v Young, 160 Iowa 613, 142 NW 393. A structure or chattel annexed to the freehold for the purpose of trade or manufacture. In… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • local chattel — A fixture,–something so attached to the realty as to become, for the time being, a part of the freehold …   Ballentine's law dictionary

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