charge to jury

charge to jury
See instructions to jury.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • charge to jury — The final address by judge to jury before verdict, in which he sums up the case, and instructs jury as to the rules of law which apply to its various issues, and which they must observe. The term also applies to the address of court to grand jury …   Black's law dictionary

  • charge to jury — The final address by judge to jury before verdict, in which he sums up the case, and instructs jury as to the rules of law which apply to its various issues, and which they must observe. The term also applies to the address of court to grand jury …   Black's law dictionary

  • charge — [chärj] vt. charged, charging [ME chargen < OFr chargier< VL carricare, to load a wagon, cart < L carrus, wagon, CAR1] 1. Obs. to put a load on or in 2. to load or fill to capacity or with the usual amount of required material 3. to load …   English World dictionary

  • Charge — (ch[aum]rj), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Charged} (ch[aum]rjd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Charging}.] [OF. chargier, F. charger, fr. LL. carricare, fr. L. carrus wagon. Cf. {Cargo}, {Caricature}, {Cark}, and see {Car}.] 1. To lay on or impose, as a load, tax, or …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • charge — verb To impose a burden, duty, obligation, or lien; to create a claim against property; to assess; to demand; to accuse; to instruct a jury on matters of law. To impose a tax, duty, or trust. To entrust with responsibilities and duties (e.g. care …   Black's law dictionary

  • charge — verb To impose a burden, duty, obligation, or lien; to create a claim against property; to assess; to demand; to accuse; to instruct a jury on matters of law. To impose a tax, duty, or trust. To entrust with responsibilities and duties (e.g. care …   Black's law dictionary

  • jury instructions — A direction given by the judge to the jury concerning the law of the case; a statement made by the judge to the jury informing them of the law applicable to the case in general or some aspect of it; an exposition or the rules or principles of law …   Black's law dictionary

  • jury instructions — A direction given by the judge to the jury concerning the law of the case; a statement made by the judge to the jury informing them of the law applicable to the case in general or some aspect of it; an exposition or the rules or principles of law …   Black's law dictionary

  • charge — 1 n 1 a: something required: obligation b: personal management or supervision put the child in his charge c: a person or thing placed under the care of another 2: an authoritative instr …   Law dictionary

  • jury — [ ʒyri ] n. m. • 1790; en parlant de l Angleterre 1588; angl. jury; de l a. fr. jurée « serment, enquête » 1 ♦ Ensemble des jurés inscrits sur les listes départementales annuelles ou sur une liste de session. Groupe de neuf (autrefois douze, puis …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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