- bona gratia
- With good grace; freely; with full consent.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Bona gratĭa — (röm. Recht, franz. de bonne grace), aus freiem Willen, bes. bei Ehescheidungen gewöhnlich … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Bona-gratia — Bona gratia, (2. März), ein Franciscaner zu Avignon … Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon
BONA Gratia — formula usitata in divortiis, quae ex mutuo consensu inter coniuges invicem dissidentes interveniebant, nullô repudio factô: quae quidem verba, ut formalia, Latinis verbis, non semel leguntur in Novellis Graec. Iustiniani XXII. et Iustini II.… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
bona gratia — /bowns greysh(iy)s/ In the Roman law, by mutual consent; voluntarily. A term applied to a species of divorce where the parties separated by mutual consent; or where the parties renounced their marital engagements without assigning any cause, or… … Black's law dictionary
bona gratia — /bowns greysh(iy)s/ In the Roman law, by mutual consent; voluntarily. A term applied to a species of divorce where the parties separated by mutual consent; or where the parties renounced their marital engagements without assigning any cause, or… … Black's law dictionary
Bona gratia matrimonium dissolvitur — Full consent to the dissolution of a marriage … Ballentine's law dictionary
gratia — (Latin.) Favor; indulgence. Thanks. See a gratia; bona gratia; de gratia; Dei gratia; exempt gratia; ex gratia; ex speciali gratia; lucri gratia … Ballentine's law dictionary
bona — /bowns/ Goods; property; possessions. In the Roman law, this term was used to designate all species of property, real, personal, and mixed, but was more strictly applied to real estate. In civil law, it includes both personal property… … Black's law dictionary
bona — /bowns/ Goods; property; possessions. In the Roman law, this term was used to designate all species of property, real, personal, and mixed, but was more strictly applied to real estate. In civil law, it includes both personal property… … Black's law dictionary
Gratĭa — (lat.), Gunst, Huld, Gnade; Anmut, Dank; g. gratiam parit, Gunst zeugt Gunst; bona g., mit gutem Willen, mit Dank; gratiae exspectativae, s. Exspektanzen … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon