- board foot
- A unit of measure in the lumber trade, meaning a board one foot square and one inch thick. See board measure.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
board foot — ☆ board foot n. pl. board feet a unit of linear measure of lumber, equal to a board one foot square and one inch thick … English World dictionary
board foot — board′ foot n. bui the basic unit of board measure, equal to the cubic contents of a piece of lumber one foot square and one inch thick Abbr.: bd. ft. • Etymology: 1895–1900, amer … From formal English to slang
board-foot — boardˈ foot noun A unit of boardˈ measure for timber, a piece one inch thick by 12 inches square • • • Main Entry: ↑board … Useful english dictionary
Board foot — The board foot is a specialized unit of volume for measuring lumber in the United States and Canada. It is the volume of a one foot length of a board one foot wide and one inch thick.Board foot is abbreviated FBM (for foot, board measure ). The… … Wikipedia
board foot — (bd ft, fbm, or BF) a unit of volume used for measuring lumber. One board foot is the volumeof a one foot length of a standard board twelve inches wide by one inchthick. Thus a board foot equals 144 cubic inches, or 1/12 of a cubic foot,or… … Dictionary of units of measurement
board foot — noun the volume of a piece of wood 1 foot square and 1 inch thick • Hypernyms: ↑volume unit, ↑capacity unit, ↑capacity measure, ↑cubage unit, ↑cubic measure, ↑cubic content unit, ↑displacement unit, ↑cubature u … Useful english dictionary
board foot — noun A board one square foot by one inch, about 2.36 liters … Wiktionary
board foot — /ˈbɔd fʊt/ (say bawd foot) noun → superficial foot …
board foot — Building Trades. a unit of measure equal to the cubic contents of a piece of lumber one foot square and one inch thick, used in measuring logs and lumber. Abbr.: bd. ft. [1895 1900, Amer.] * * * … Universalium
board-foot — noun A unit of cubic measure for timber, equal to one foot square by one inch thick … Wiktionary