blind corner

blind corner
An intersection of streets or roads at which a driver's view of vehicles approaching on the intersecting highway is obscured by natural formations or artificial structures.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • blind corner — noun a street corner that you cannot see around as you are driving • Hypernyms: ↑corner, ↑street corner, ↑turning point …   Useful english dictionary

  • blind corner — Used to describe the configuration of buildings or other structures which prevent a driver approaching an intersection from being able to observe traffic coming in the direction of the intersecting way …   Black's law dictionary

  • blind corner — Used to describe the configuration of buildings or other structures which prevent a driver approaching an intersection from being able to observe traffic coming in the direction of the intersecting way …   Black's law dictionary

  • blind — adj Blind, sightless, purblind mean lacking or deficient in the power to see or to discriminate objects. Blind is used to imply absence or deprivation or gross restriction of the power of vision, either by congenital defect or as a result of… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • corner — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 where two lines/edges meet ADJECTIVE ▪ bottom, top ▪ left, right ▪ left hand, right hand ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • blind — 1 /blaInd/ adjective 1 CAN T SEE a) unable to see: He was nearly blind in one eye. | go blind (=become blind): In later stages of the disease, sufferers often go blind. b) the blind (plural) people who are unable to see: talking books for the… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • blind — adj., v., n., & adv. adj. 1 lacking the power of sight. 2 a without foresight, discernment, intellectual perception, or adequate information (blind effort). b (often foll. by to) unwilling or unable to appreciate (a factor, circumstance, etc.)… …   Useful english dictionary

  • blind — [[t]bla͟ɪnd[/t]] ♦♦♦ blinds, blinding, blinded 1) ADJ Someone who is blind is unable to see because their eyes are damaged. I started helping him run the business when he went blind... How would you explain colour to a blind person? Derived words …   English dictionary

  • corner — n. 1) to round, turn a corner 2) a blind corner 3) (also fig.) around the corner (they live around the corner; to go around the corner; prosperity is just around the corner) 4) at, on a corner (of a street) 5) in the corner (of a room) 6) (misc.) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • blind — blindingly, adv. blindness, n. /bluynd/, adj., blinder, blindest, v., n., adv. adj. 1. unable to see; lacking the sense of sight; sightless: a blind man. 2. unwilling or unable to perceive or understand: They were blind to their children s faults …   Universalium

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