banker's acceptances

banker's acceptances
In the broad sense, acceptances of bills of exchange by banks; in the technical and peculiar sense of the banking business, extensions of credit by acceptances of bills of exchange. Atterbury v Bank of Washington Heights, 241 NY 231, 239.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • eligible banker's acceptances — Banker s acceptances that meet Federal Reserve requirements and thus can serve as collateral for bank borrowings from the Federal Reserve. The accepting bank can sell eligible BAs without incurring reserve requirements. (When an accepting bank… …   Financial and business terms

  • banker's acceptance — ( BA) A short term financial instrument that is the unconditional obligation of the accepting bank. Banker s acceptances, or BAs, arise from transactions involving the import, export, transit, or storage of goods, including domestic as well as… …   Financial and business terms

  • Banker's Acceptance - BA — A short term credit investment created by a non financial firm and guaranteed by a bank. Acceptances are traded at a discount from face value on the secondary market. Banker s acceptances are very similar to T bills and are often used in money… …   Investment dictionary

  • banker's acceptance — A draft accepted by a bank usually for the purpose of financing a sale of goods to or by the bank s customer. A bill of exchange draft payable at maturity that is drawn by a creditor against his or her debtor. Banker s acceptances are short term… …   Black's law dictionary

  • banker's acceptance — A draft accepted by a bank usually for the purpose of financing a sale of goods to or by the bank s customer. A bill of exchange draft payable at maturity that is drawn by a creditor against his or her debtor. Banker s acceptances are short term… …   Black's law dictionary

  • Banker's acceptance — A short term credit investment created by a non financial firm and guaranteed by a bank as to payment. Acceptances are traded at discounts from face value in the secondary market. These instruments have been a popular investment for money market… …   Financial and business terms

  • BA — banker s acceptance (BA) A short term financial instrument that is the unconditional obligation of the accepting bank. Banker s acceptances, or BAs, arise from transactions involving the import, export, transit, or storage of goods, including… …   Financial and business terms

  • money market fund — A form of mutual fund that restricts investments to relatively safe, relatively short term instruments. Typical money market funds may invest in short term U.S. government obligations, commercial paper, and banker s acceptances. Average… …   Financial and business terms

  • money — In usual and ordinary acceptation it means coins and paper currency used as circulating medium of exchange, and does not embrace notes, bonds, evidences of debt, or other personal or real estate. Lane v. Railey, 280 Ky. 319, 133 S.W.2d 74, 79, 81 …   Black's law dictionary

  • money — In usual and ordinary acceptation it means coins and paper currency used as circulating medium of exchange, and does not embrace notes, bonds, evidences of debt, or other personal or real estate. Lane v. Railey, 280 Ky. 319, 133 S.W.2d 74, 79, 81 …   Black's law dictionary

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