- yield right of way
- Permitting another vehicle to proceed without interference.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
right of way — 1: an easement or servitude over another s land conferring a right of passage 2 a: the area over which a right of way exists b: the strip of land over which is built a public road c: the land occupied by a railroad esp. for its main line d: the… … Law dictionary
right-of-way — n. 1) to have the right of way 2) to give, yield the right of way 3) the right of way over (ambulances have the right of way over other vehicles) * * * yield the right of way to give to have the right of way the right of way over (ambulances have … Combinatory dictionary
have the right-of-way — {v. phr.} To have priority in proceeding in traffic on a public highway while other vehicles must yield and wait. * / Go ahead, he said. We have the right of way at this intersection. / … Dictionary of American idioms
have the right-of-way — {v. phr.} To have priority in proceeding in traffic on a public highway while other vehicles must yield and wait. * / Go ahead, he said. We have the right of way at this intersection. / … Dictionary of American idioms
have\ the\ right-of-way — v. phr. To have priority in proceeding in traffic on a public highway while other vehicles must yield and wait. Go ahead, he said. We have the right of way at this intersection … Словарь американских идиом
yield — [yēld] vt. [ME yelden < OE gieldan, to pay, give, akin to Ger gelten, to be worth < IE base * ghel tō, (I) give, pay] 1. to produce; specif., a) to give or furnish as a natural process or as the result of cultivation [an orchard that… … English World dictionary
way — or go one s way [wā] n. [ME < OE weg, akin to Ger < IE base * weĝh , to go > L vehere, to carry, ride, Gr ochos, wagon] 1. a means of passing from one place to another, as a road, highway, street or path [the Appian Way] 2. room or space … English World dictionary
Right-in/right-out — (RIRO) and left in/left out (LILO) refer to a type of road intersection where turning movements of vehicles are restricted. A RIRO permits only right turns and a LILO permits only left turns. RIRO is usual where vehicles drive on the right, and… … Wikipedia
Yield sign — In road transport, a YIELD (Canada, Ireland, and the United States) or GIVE WAY (most current or former Commonwealth countries) traffic sign indicates that a vehicle driver must slow down and prepare to stop if necessary usually while merging… … Wikipedia
Right turn on red — No right turns on red light sign in Montreal, Quebec, Canada Turning rig … Wikipedia