welfare statutes
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welfare laws — Statutes providing for the support, care, and housing of persons unable to support or care for themselves. Laws for the public relief of the poor. 41 Am J1st Poor L §§ 13 et seq … Ballentine's law dictionary
List of Statutes of New Zealand (1980-present) — This is a list of New Zealand statutes from 1980 to present.For a list of statutes of New Zealand before 1980 see List of Statutes of New Zealand (1800 1980).1980s 1980 * Crimes (Internationally Protected Persons and Hostages) Act 1998 Amendment… … Wikipedia
List of Statutes of New Zealand (1800-1980) — This is a list of Statutes of New Zealand before 1980. For statutes of New Zealand since 1980, see List of Statutes of New Zealand (1980 present) 1800s 1830s 1837 * Wills Act 1840s 1846 * New Zealand Constitution Act 1846 (UK) 1850s 1852 * New… … Wikipedia
National Council of Welfare — The National Council of Welfare (NCW) is a Canadian arm s length advisory body to the federal Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development on matters of concern to low income Canadians. Its mandate is to advise the Minister of Human… … Wikipedia
Vicarious liability (criminal) — The legal principle of vicarious liability applies to hold one person liable for the actions of another when engaged in some form of joint or collective activity. For the civil law system, see vicarious liability. For liability attributed to a… … Wikipedia
California — Californian, adj., n. /kal euh fawrn yeuh, fawr nee euh/, n. 1. a state in the W United States, on the Pacific coast. 23,668,562; 158,693 sq. mi. (411,015 sq. km). Cap.: Sacramento. Abbr.: CA (for use with zip code), Cal., Calif. 2. Gulf of, an… … Universalium
family — A word of great flexibility, its meaning varying according to the connection in which it appears. Tomlyanovich v Tomlyanovich, 239 Minn 250, 58 NW2d 855, 50 ALR2d 108. Primarily, the collective body of persons who live in one house and under one… … Ballentine's law dictionary
height regulations — Statutes or municipal ordinances which limit the height of buildings in the promotion of public health, safety, and welfare. 13 Am J2d Bldgs § 16. Zoning ordinances establishing a maximum or minimum height for buildings in certain districts. 58… … Ballentine's law dictionary
Statuta pro publico commodo late interpretantur — Statutes enacted for the public welfare are to be liberally construed … Ballentine's law dictionary
Veterans' Acts — Statutes making special provision for the benefit or welfare of veterans of the Armed Services and their dependents, or extending to veterans privileges or preferences not accorded to other classes of citizens, particularly in reference to… … Ballentine's law dictionary