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voluntate — vo·lun·tà·te s.f. OB var. → volontà … Dizionario italiano
sua voluntate — index free (enjoying civil liberty) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
actus inceptus, cujus perfectio pendet ex voluntate partium, revocari potest; si autem pendet ex voluntate tertiae persons, vel ex contingenti, revocari non potest — /Eektas inseptas, kyuwjas parfeksh(iy)ow pendat eks volanteytiy tarshiyiy parsowniy, vel eks kontinjentay, revakeray non powtast/ An act already begun, the completion of which depends on the will of the parties, may be revoked; but if it depend… … Black's law dictionary
actus inceptus, cujus perfectio pendet ex voluntate partium, revocari potest; si autem pendet ex voluntate tertiae persons, vel ex contingenti, revocari non potest — /Eektas inseptas, kyuwjas parfeksh(iy)ow pendat eks volanteytiy tarshiyiy parsowniy, vel eks kontinjentay, revakeray non powtast/ An act already begun, the completion of which depends on the will of the parties, may be revoked; but if it depend… … Black's law dictionary
electio est interna libera et spontanea separatio unius rei ab alia, sine compulsione, consistens in animo et voluntate — /aleksh(iy)ow est intarna libara et spontaniya separeysh(iy)ow yanayas riyay abb eyliya, sayniy kampslsiyowniy, kansistenz in asnamow et volanteytiy/ Election is an internal, free, and spontaneous separation of one thing from another, without… … Black's law dictionary
ex voluntate — /eks volanteytiy/ Voluntarily; from free will or choice … Black's law dictionary
in obscura voluntate manumittentis, favendum est libertati — /in abskyiira volanteytiy maen(y)amatendas, favendam est libarteytay/ Where the expression of the will of one who seeks to manumit a slave is ambiguous, liberty is to be favored … Black's law dictionary
electio est interna libera et spontanea separatio unius rei ab alia, sine compulsione, consistens in animo et voluntate — /aleksh(iy)ow est intarna libara et spontaniya separeysh(iy)ow yanayas riyay abb eyliya, sayniy kampslsiyowniy, kansistenz in asnamow et volanteytiy/ Election is an internal, free, and spontaneous separation of one thing from another, without… … Black's law dictionary
ex voluntate — /eks volanteytiy/ Voluntarily; from free will or choice … Black's law dictionary
in obscura voluntate manumittentis, favendum est libertati — /in abskyiira volanteytiy maen(y)amatendas, favendam est libarteytay/ Where the expression of the will of one who seeks to manumit a slave is ambiguous, liberty is to be favored … Black's law dictionary