
Toward. Until. 52 Am J1st Time § 25. Either inclusive or exclusive of the date or event which follows it, according to the intention manifest from the entire context. Conway v Smith Mercantile Co. 6 Wyo 327, 44 P 940. In describing a boundary, usually but not necessarily exclusive of the thing, such as a stream or highway, to which it has reference. 12 Am J2d Bound §§ 26, 52. It is generally defined to be a word of exclusion, unless by necessary implication it must be held to be used in an inclusive sense. Thus, the word to, as used in a contract stipulating that deliveries of property were to be made up to a stated date, or in an order extending time to a certain day, is a term of exclusion. 52 Am J1st Time § 25.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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