tenant in possession

tenant in possession
A lessee in possession under the terms of the lease. In a broader sense, one who maintains possession legally by himself or through another under title, estate, or interest of any kind. The definition of the term embraces, within the natural and usual meaning of the words, a judgment debtor as well as his lessee. The owner in fee is no less, in legal contemplation, a tenant, than the man who occupies under him, since the definition of tenant is one that holds or possesses lands or tenements by any kind of title, either in fee, for life, years, or at will. Whithed v St. Anthony & Dakota Elevator Co. 9 ND 224, 83 NW 238.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • Tenant Right League — The Tenant Right League, established in 1850, was an organisation which aimed to secure reforms in the Irish land system. Formed by Charles Gavan Duffy and Frederick Lucas , it united for a time Protestant and Catholic tenants, Duffy calling his… …   Wikipedia

  • tenant — ten·ant / te nənt/ n [Anglo French, from Old French, from present participle of tenir to hold, from Latin tenēre]: one who holds or possesses property by any kind of right: one who holds a tenancy in property; specif: one who possesses property… …   Law dictionary

  • Tenant — Ten ant, n. [F. tenant, p. pr. of tenir to hold. See {Tenable}, and cf. {Lieutenant}.] 1. (Law) One who holds or possesses lands, or other real estate, by any kind of right, whether in fee simple, in common, in severalty, for life, for years, or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Tenant in chief — Tenant Ten ant, n. [F. tenant, p. pr. of tenir to hold. See {Tenable}, and cf. {Lieutenant}.] 1. (Law) One who holds or possesses lands, or other real estate, by any kind of right, whether in fee simple, in common, in severalty, for life, for… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tenant in common — Tenant Ten ant, n. [F. tenant, p. pr. of tenir to hold. See {Tenable}, and cf. {Lieutenant}.] 1. (Law) One who holds or possesses lands, or other real estate, by any kind of right, whether in fee simple, in common, in severalty, for life, for… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • tenant — In the broadest sense, one who holds or possesses lands or tenements by any kind of right or title, whether in fee, for life, for years, at will, or otherwise. In a more restricted sense, one who holds lands of another; one who has the temporary… …   Black's law dictionary

  • possession — Having control over a thing with the intent to have and to exercise such control. Oswald v. Weigel, 219 Kan. 616, 549 P.2d 568, 569. The detention and control, or the manual or ideal custody, of anything which may be the subject of property, for… …   Black's law dictionary

  • possession — noun 1 having/owning sth ADJECTIVE ▪ exclusive, sole ▪ They had exclusive possession of the property as tenants. ▪ illegal, unlawful (esp. BrE) (both law) ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

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