team work

team work
The performance of work by two or more persons with good co-ordination of their respective efforts. As the term is used in an exemption statute exempting from execution horses used in team work, it means work done by a team as a substantial part of a man's business, as in farming, staging, express carrying, drawing of freight, peddling, the transportation of material used or dealt in as a business. Tishomingo Sav. Institution v Young, 87 Miss 473, 40 So 9.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • team|work — «TEEM WURK», noun. 1. the acting together of a number of people to make the work of the group successful and effective: »Football requires teamwork even more than individual skill. SYNONYM(S): cooperation. 2. work done with horses. ╂[American… …   Useful english dictionary

  • team·work — /ˈtiːmˌwɚk/ noun [noncount] : the work done by people who work together as a team to do something They credit good teamwork for their success …   Useful english dictionary

  • team work — Within the meaning of an exemption law, this term means work done by a team as a substantial part of a man s business; as in farming, staging, express carrying, drawing of freight, peddling, or the transportation of material used or dealt in as a …   Black's law dictionary

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