attornato recipiendo

attornato recipiendo
See de attornato recipiendo.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • de attornato recipiendo — /diy aetarneytow rasipiyendow/ A writ which lay to the judges of a court, requiring them to receive and admit an attorney for a party …   Black's law dictionary

  • de attornato recipiendo — /diy aetarneytow rasipiyendow/ A writ which lay to the judges of a court, requiring them to receive and admit an attorney for a party …   Black's law dictionary

  • de attornato recipiendo — For receiving an attorney,–a writ to compel the judges to receive an attorney of a party to an action pending before them …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • attornato faciendo vel recipiendo — /aetarneydow fceshiyendow vel rasipiyendow/ An obsolete writ, which commanded a sheriff or steward of a county court or hundred court to receive and admit an attorney to appear for the person that owed suit of court …   Black's law dictionary

  • attornato faciendo vel recipiendo — /aetarneydow fceshiyendow vel rasipiyendow/ An obsolete writ, which commanded a sheriff or steward of a county court or hundred court to receive and admit an attorney to appear for the person that owed suit of court …   Black's law dictionary

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