
Noun: The door at tire rear end of a truck, to be opened or entirely removed in unloading cargo at the rear. Inter-Southern Life Ins. Co. v Bowyer, 90 Ind App 494, 169 NE 65. Verb: To drive a motor vehicle closely behind another vehicle. 8 Am J2d Auto § 773.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • Tailgate — is an American English word denoting the door or gate at the back of a wagon, pickup truck, SUV or other similar type of vehicle that is hinged at the bottom and can be opened for the convenience in loading cargo into the rear of the vehicle. A… …   Wikipedia

  • Tailgate — es el nombre de un estilo de tocar el trombón de varas, propio de las primeras épocas del jazz tradicional, caracterizado por un lenguaje rudo y vehemente, de voz llena y opulenta, fraseo rápido y fluido, repleto de breves glisandos, que funciona …   Wikipedia Español

  • Tailgate —   [englisch, teɪlgeɪt], charakteristische Glissando Passagen auf der Posaune, typisch für den New Orleans Stil. Tailgate bezeichnet eigentlich die hintere Ladeklappe der Bandwagons, die oft bei den Umzügen heruntergelassen werden musste, damit… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • tailgate — (n.) 1868, back panel on a wagon, hinged to swing down and open, from TAIL (Cf. tail) + GATE (Cf. gate). Extended by 1950 to hatchback door on an automobile. The verb meaning to drive too close behind another vehicle is from 1951; tailgate party… …   Etymology dictionary

  • tailgate — ☆ tailgate [tāl′gāt΄ ] n. a board or gate at the back of a wagon, truck, station wagon, etc., designed to be removed or swung open on hinges for loading or unloading vt. tailgated, tailgating to drive too closely behind (another vehicle) vi. 1.… …   English World dictionary

  • tailgate — (izg. tèjlgējt) m DEFINICIJA glazb. poseban stil sviranja na trombonu (melodijski kontrapunkt i dugi glisandi), karakterističan za jazz u New Orleansu (Dixieland jazz) sredinom 20. st. ETIMOLOGIJA engl. prema sjedalu na kojem se nalazio… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • tailgate — I UK [ˈteɪlˌɡeɪt] / US noun [countable] Word forms tailgate : singular tailgate plural tailgates mainly American a door at the back of a car, van, or truck II UK [ˈteɪlˌɡeɪt] / US verb [transitive] Word forms tailgate : present tense… …   English dictionary

  • tailgate — [[t]te͟ɪlgeɪt[/t]] tailgates, tailgating, tailgated 1) N COUNT A tailgate is a door at the back of a truck or car, that is hinged at the bottom so that it opens downwards. He let down the tailgate so the dog could jump out. 2) VERB If you… …   English dictionary

  • tailgate — tail•gate [[t]ˈteɪlˌgeɪt[/t]] n. v. gat•ed, gat•ing, adj. 1) trs a board or gate at the back of a wagon, truck, station wagon, etc., that can be removed or let down for loading or unloading 2) mad a style of playing the trombone, esp. in… …   From formal English to slang

  • tailgate — I. noun Date: 1868 1. a board or gate at the rear of a vehicle that can be removed or let down (as for loading) 2. [from the custom of seating trombonists at the rear of trucks carrying jazz bands in parades] a jazz trombone style marked by much… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • tailgate — tailgate1 /tayl gayt /, n., v., tailgated, tailgating, adj. n. 1. the board or gate at the back of a wagon, truck, station wagon, etc., which can be removed or let down for convenience in loading or unloading. v.i. 2. to follow or drive… …   Universalium

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